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Sunday, November 20, 2011


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Sugar Control Diet

Sugar.  Almost everything you eat is changed into Sugar.  Even Glycemic indexed foods are transformed, just a little slower that those not on the index.  All it means is that digestion is a little slower, therefore it doesn't become available as quick and doesn't cause blood sugar to quickly spike because of what you ate.

Sugar control diets, diabetic diets and almost all fat loss diets are based on a daily calorie count.  Spreading these calories through out the day will lead to success in losing weight and controlling blood sugar.

Research is beginning to show that a mixture of food types should be eaten.  Protein because it is digested a little slower helps to keep you satisfied longer, carbohydrates for quick energy and fat for slower energy and to supply some needed elements for your diet and it is digested slightly different from carbohydrates.  However if carbohydrates are over consumed, the liver is perfectly capable of turning extra calories into fat.

The best recommendation?  With your caregivers help, determine your daily calorie allowance.  Find a good diet plan or dietetic cookbook and do some meal planning implementing your calorie count into the best tasting and appetizing food that you can make.

An important consideration:  Schedule meals...three major meals:   Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner  and at least two snacks.   Include protein in as many meals and snacks as possible.
Always eat breakfast....it keeps your body in high fat burning mode and helps you to lose weight which will eventually lead to Sugar Control.